HOT NEWS: Dr. Mfundo Kuhlase Spins for Powerball

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Swaziland’s own Dr. Mfundo Kuhlase was a Powerball guest on SABC 2 and he actually spun the wheel...can I get a *whoop whoop*.

How many times does a guy get a chance to shine on such a HUGE stage? Tjoooo! You have no idea how many people watch Powerball in anticipation of being instant Millionaires. Well, I caught up with him just nje to force him to share his experience with us.

This is how our chat went:

Swazi Style Scene: So, the makeup?

Mfundo Kuhlase: Make up, er 'twas my first time. If it's done well, I'm not complaining.

SSS: How long did it take to remove it? (oops! the makeup)

MK: I jumped into the bath when I got home so immediately

SSS: How was the experience of being live on such a HUGE show?

MK: 'twas a pleasant experience, I enjoyed myself

SSS: If u weren't a DR, u think you'd pass in the TV industry?

MK: Yep I wud, used to act in primary school lol!

SSS: Do u play Powerball? bakukhetse njani nje to be a guest...loyal client perhaps tltltl?

MK: I actually don't play, one of my patients works there.

Our good doctor surely has patients in high places...thumbs up!
