You Just Gotta Be Here!

An awesome evening, another reason to look fabulous and more than anything else, it's all for a worthy cause - The Cancer Network - otherwise I wouldn't write it here LOL!

The  Show billed for tomorrow night promises to be worth braving the chilly weather. What with a fashion show
showcasing designs by Madame Voe "The Mad Hatter", Monte Elegance, House of Diva, Gone Rural, Arrum Lilly and Rosecraft.

The cool thing is that each of these fantabulous designers has donated an outstanding piece to be auctioned on the night in aid of the Cancer Network. Ncaaw! so shweet! So, do come prepared for the bid.
Speakers from The Cancer Network, the Director of FACE & Event Planner, Sasha Groening as well as drama, contemporary dance & a duet by the gorgeous
Lando and Sandziso will be the order of the night.

Make sure you're at the newly opened Khazimulaz Restaurant in the Mantenga Craft Centre at 6:30pm sharp...Swazi time doesn't apply here!

Get your tickets for E200 @Malandelas in Malkerns, Indigo Hair Salon - Mbabane and the Greans
Restaurent. (Dinner is inclusive and you can eat as much pizza and as you want! HOW COOL IS THAT?

Watch this space for all the glitz and glamour...
