Business Women's Wine Investment Brunch

If I would say that I have ever been in the company of so many inspiring women, I would be lying. The Business Women's Wine Investment Brunch at the Protea Hotel Fire & Ice in Melrose Arch was the perfect place to be this morning. The aura was just perfect and somewhere there I could even smell money LOL!
Happy people...Dr. S. Mosime (pink scarf) is one of the brains working on the project
Women from Joburg and beyond were introduced to a new and exciting investment opportunity, Soweto Winery, which is set to be one of the best investments to have come out of Gauteng and it’s for women.
Facilitated by none other than the Soweto Winery Project Leader and CEO of Yamme Wines, Jeannie Banda, the event was filled with high profile women who have the zeal for further growth.

Mosime ladies with Jeannie (cream) and Tumi Mkhize

Alongside Jeannie were Tumi Mkhize, CEO of Developing Africa Gateways and Regi Pholo who is the Director: trade & Investment Promotion at the City of Joburg. So much was shared at this prestigious function; from the fact that the team has already secured land for this multi billion project at the Soweto Empowerment Zone just outside Diepkloof. 

Regi Pholo stresses a point to the ladies. He was the only gentleman in the room, lucky guy!

The ladies in attendance were encouraged to voice their interests on the project so that they can start positioning themselves. From wine bottling, packaging, labeling, marketing, transportation, the opportunities are diverse. This is over and above being afforded the opportunity to acquire shareholding in the establishment. 

I'm a lover of wine and that's why I was particularly attracted to this event. I also know that women are passionate about the kind of wine they drink especially, women of style, class & pizzazz! Imagine, selling your own wine…ladies, this is our time!

Take a look at the caliber of women that this initiative attracted:

The Plenary

The Networking Session

Hey! remember her from Nercha...yep! Lindiwe Dladla's a joburg lady now! She's the one that told me about this event ...thanks babe!

Lindiwe shares a light moment with the Project gurus...*two thumbs up*

The Yada-Yada for Ching Ching

Yeah! That's me right there...m.i.n.g.l.i.n.g...What an awesome event! *blows kisses*

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