Let's Discuss The News!

So, Frankie is NOT Gay *yawn*

Never mind that he calls himself a 'diva' and that half his friends refer to him as 'girl' it still doesn't give you the
right to call him GAY thatha Frankie. In today's Swazi Observer, he clarifies this to anyone who cares to listen and inisists that he is engaged to a South African somebody *blank stare*.

News of his engagement overtook the social media networks and while others felt it wasn't newsworthy, others didn't really care. I think news has to either be "Of public interest" or "interesting to the public" #ThatsAll.

Judging from all the rant and rave on Facebook, that story deserved to be in the papers. I'm still trying to track Frankie down to pick his brain on some of these issues. I've sent him an INBOX on FB already so, hope he sees it before the wedding (((BOOOM)))

What would you like me to ask him?

Mr Swaziland Board Announced

THE MAIN MAN! Okwakhe Dlamini
What's that they say about too many cooks again? this board & organising commitee guys!, if my friends on Facebook were not lying to me - there's about 17 people who will be working directly to make this year's pageant a success. This makes me wonder how many people organise the King's Birthday celebrations...I just know Maswazi hehehe.

Wow! I must say though that it was nice to see names like Vinah Mamba (don't shoot) in the list. Shem, Vinah's passionate about these pageants so why not give it to her? atleast there'll be one really dedicated member who can die in the pageant's place. Oh! how can I forget Choosy Thwala? I like her because she's my cousin...well, she's everyone's cousin and she's done so much good for so many people so I guess she deserves to be recognised - finally! She can also offer the guys free makeup - nice one!

Aah! I guess that's all I can say about this because to be honest the only Mr. Swaziland I remember is Mr. S oops! Thulani Matsebula and Sifiso Motsa. Also heard something about Okwakhe who happens to be the Chairman of the organising committee this year. Then ke there's Nceda Bujela who is not only a hard working woman but a snazzy dresser and her pamper place in Mbabane is totally amazing. That's if she still runs it!

This list is too long to go through each one of them but, we wish them all the best in getting the "Best Man".

What do you think about the Board & Committee?

Sushi King for Bikers Party

Hhayi ke! I was tagged on this invite on FB and I thought; ok! it's the Reed Dance weekend and this dude has a reputation for dining over semi-nude bodies...Lawd have mercy!
Well, Kenny Kunene aka Sushi King will be in SD for the Bikers Party FULLSTOP! I'm not sure of his itinerary but it would be nice for him to stick around for the Reed Dance...for all time sake! He should experience our unique culture hawu! JustNje!

What do you think?

Tindlamu Too Short! Really?

The Times of Swaziland is currently running a poll about whether or not their readers agree that tindlamu (beaded maiden skirts) should be made a bit longer. I'm so interested in knowing the results of this poll. Ok, I'm a woman and I happen to be a feminist too so, if you'd ask for my opinion, I'd just say "emahiya zonke" so, it's a good thing I'm not an opinion leader.

However, at the same time, what's the point of making the kids so conscious about themselves? Maybe these "oggling" men should just be banned from getting anywhere near our beauties? Eish mara! Well, at least these traditional leaders still have a conscience though *side eye*

Is this the typical length?

What do you think about letindlamu?

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Photos: http://www.observer.org.sz/

News Sources: http://www.times.co.sz/
