Our Predictions: Bishop Mpendulo Nkambule's Wedding

The much anticipated wedding of Bishop Mpendulo and Durban Business woman Zanele Mbokazi somewhere in the Drakensburg has finally arrived. The long diarised 20 August is here and the suits and six inch heels better be ready.

Bishop Mpendulo with skoni wetfu...no! igawulile lendvuku tjo!

Many will brave the weather and step out in style. We're looking forward to seeing all those hats as we were told that it's STRICTLY a HAT AFFAIR...hope no one embarrasses themselves and rocks up with none tltltltl

There's no doubt that our skoni is excited as she Tweeted about her weight loss linking to her Facebook page saying: 

Zanele Mbokazi I did it! Lost 5kgs to reach my goal weight (and yes to look good on my big day). Now i can officially say I endorse HYDRO SLIM! Real, completely natural ingredients, safe, no side effects and it works for both men and women. All it takes is 1 month of descipline.

So sweet! We love happy brides. I'm not sure who's invited in Swaziland but heard about Minister hlobisile Ndlovu and Gciniwe Fakudze...go represent ladies! I know there's more but I was just lazy to check.

Being the snazzy dresser that Zanele is, can't even begin to think of what she will be wearing so I guess we just have to wait.

It's so nice to see people in love and we wish them all the best!

We'll keep you posted on the happenings down in the Drakensburg...no, we not invited but...just watch this space!

Our STYLE Predictions:
  • Lots of lampshade hats
  • Lots of frills
  • Lots of colour
  • Lots of BEE shirts
  • Lots of Kick n' bhoboza shoes
  • Lots of 6 inch heels
  • Lots of glitz & glamour

Here's to the weekend! Don't forget to send us those function, party and outing photos. Email swazidivas@yahoo.com.

Follow us on Twitter: @swazistylescene

Photos: http://www.sundayworld.co.za/
