Happy Independence Day Swaziland!

Have You Seen Princess Sikhanyiso's Website?
Princess Sikhanyiso...One of the pictures from her website
Today marks 43 years since Swaziland gained independence from British rule. So, people are just chilling, relaxing or chillaxing...which ever way tickles your fancy.

Any's I thought since the focus is on royalty these days, what with the Reed Dance that ended last week and now Independence Day I should let you in on my latest discovery.

Okay maybe it's not new but well, I just discovered it so that makes it new *grin* So, what's that got to do with Independence Day?

Well, perhaps you can spend the day checking out Princess Sikhanyiso's website...Yep! everything you wanted to know about the princess is right there.

A screengrab of the Homepage

As you enter the website url, you're welcomed with The Lord's Prayer then when you enter the site, you hear the princess singing and when you click "Contact Us" the National Anthem plays. So, visit the princess' website and enjoy as she takes you through her journey in life, her dreams and aspirations as well as her role as a princess.

I thought it was quite interesting  but I'm still hoping to sit down with the princess and find out more about the inspiration behind joining the World Wide Web.

Check out some of our favourite photos from the Princess' Photo gallery:

At her 21st Birthday celebration

With her mother...Inkhosikati LaMbikiza

at the Reed Dance
If these photos are not enough to wet your appetite to see more of the princess on her site, then...just die tltltltl. Hopefully she'll soon add a link to this site on her site then we too will add a link to her site and it will be an add add thingy tltltltl

To see the website, CLICK HERE...don't forget to come back here hey!

Relax great people and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather!
