Help Us Create a Swazi Designers Directory!

A House of Diva design
We are looking for Swazi Designers based anywhere in the world so we can create a Directory on the site. This has been prompted by the numerous emails we have been receiving from people interested in knowing who can design this and that for them.

Who are we looking for?

We know there are lots of them out there but Swazi Style Scene will use it's discretion in adding a designer into the directory. We are looking for any fashion designer, from clothing to accessories (hats, belts, bags, jewellery etc) FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!

If you are a designer or know somebody who is, do give them a heads-up on this. All this means is that they just need to donate a fabulous piece from their collection to yours truly *wink* hehehehe *jokes*

If you're interested in being included in this fabulous Directory, give us a squeeze...tltltltl

Send us The Following Information:

  • The Name of Your Company/Label
  • What You Specialize in
  • Your Full Name
  • Physical Address
  • Contact Details: Phone (mandatory), Email, Facebook, Twitter

Email: or write on our Facebook Page "Swazi Divas of Style"

Do you think this directory will help you? Add your comment below...

Picture: Fashion Et Al
