My Birthday Message - Born 13 September

I’m humbled each time I think of my life my eyes well up with tears when I think of all that happened, I become speechless when I recall all the love and support I have felt throughout the days of my life whether dark or bright.

I cannot ignore that there is definitely a greater power at work in my life, I cannot deny that god has touched me and held me and I have felt it. God has held me close; he has let me fall for there was no other way I could have learned…

I am in awe of the people he has placed in my path, to enrich me, to strengthen me, to keep me moving, to hurt me, to slow me down, to teach me etc… all of them with their own special qualities for what he has in store for me. But like all other people I choose to remember those that stood by me and can only wish the rest sincere success in their lives and endeavors.

God has given me faith he always has all of us…I feel specially favored and blessed abundantly…

The list is endless starting from; the man and woman who put in me hunger to succeed, to excel, to be me, to be my best, to try in all I do to walk closer with God and if not at least be thankful to him>>my lovely parents Sally and Patience Abdulla>> my mother whom from birth has held me through thick and thin, good and bad, through my own mess, through my own struggles, she has been there.

She is the strongest woman I know and she is still on her journey to self discovery >>>my father who taught me to remain humble and gave me the strength I have today coz he always practiced “TOUGH LOVE”—now I know why he did this…thank you and God bless you my dear parents.

To my dear friends, I couldn’t have asked for a better circle of pure love, trust, honesty, and care.  We make friends all our lives but you know you have the ones that are simply irreplaceable, the ones who would share half a slice of bread with you, the ones who will always have you in their hearts and minds no matter where you are in the world and worry about you like you are their very own family; nobody can break that bond, even death cannot comprehend even if you tried to explain it, the ones that will say “yes I’m with her” through the darkest hour of your life… it’s amazing what people we encounter in our lives can do.

There arent too many of these people but I’m thankful to God for blessing me with such imperfect, flawed, lovely sweet souls.

Thank you God for enabling these people to help me stay sane during trying times; for helping me keep my eyes on the goal; for helping me to keep moving all the way.

It’s been a long and winding road and still lots of kilometers to cover…all of us...but it’s been absolutely soothing to have all of you in this beautiful life of mine...I love you all my family and friends, it’s not every day that I tell you but I really do...I have the utmost respect for each one of you and may god bless you all in abundance for all the great things you have done in my life …you are my------------------- “I can do this”..

Mad love and respect always…
Mbally Abdulla (the Royal-Diva)...
Your friend, sister, daughter, cousin, guardian angel… J
Inspired by Zethu Sibiya...

The Diva Says: He’s Just Not That Into You L  (dignify your standards)

It might sound harsh, but my man Greg Behrendt broke it down like no other in the book “He’s Just Not That Into You”. Yet as women, we want to believe every excuse in the world other than the fact that he just might not be that into you. 

He’s busy. He’s scared. He’s not ready for a relationship. He’s “finding himself”. Ladies…c’mon! I’m going to go out on a limb and say there’s never, in the history of the world, been a man too busy “finding himself” to hone in on the beautiful woman standing right in front of him…if he was into her.

The truth is – people, men in particular, dread confrontation. They avoid it like the plague. (Obviously there are a few men on earth who handle confrontation just fine…mostly lawyers and navy seals…lol! But this is a standard generalization for the purposes of this dash of sass). They will hand you any excuse in the world to get out of handing you the truth – that they’re Just Not That Into You.

I know you probably saying “Duh! I’ve heard this before so, what’s the deal really?” Well, the deal is, you’re still not getting out so Imma repeat it until you wake up and smell the Jacobs.

So it’s up to us as women, the intuitive creatures that we are, to read between the lines of their bs and figure out that if he’s not calling, he’s not pursuing, he’s not initiating contact, he’s not texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, or IM’ing, he’s not asking you out…then…dum da dum dum…He’s Just Not That Into You.

Then let’s stop wasting our valuable time trying to convince this person that’s probably not worthy of it anyway why they should be into us. Think about it: if you have to convince a man why he should be with you, do you really wanna be with him? You are far too fabulous to beg, crawl, manipulate, or convince.

It’s time to write yourself a big ole reality check and keep the change…then let go of that dead end relationship and hit the highway to loving yourself too much to wait around for someone who doesn’t love you enough. 

There is someone out there who will be so excited, thrilled and honored to call you his girl, he would never string you along …but you’ll never meet him as long as you’re clinging on Mr. Wrong.

(Toss and turn outlook on relationships) _ you go figure ;)
Same time, same site, same Diva __ J *smiles for dayzzz*
Follow me on Twitter:@sunflower1309 



  1. Wow...absolutley!..agreed
    Until ladies realize they are the prize,keep dishing sister


  2. Wow...absolutley!..agreed
    Until ladies realize they are the prize,keep dishing sister



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