We Have New Writers! *Whoop* *Whoop*

Thank you so much to all the loyal readers of this blog – we are on 8000 pageviews and counting. The moment we reach 10 000, we will publish the counter - can't wait! You make us proud and you are the reason we look forward to another day. As part of our bid to make you happy and keep you informed on what’s going down, we will be introducing two new columns.

It’s Your Life – With Thulas

Nutrition expert, Nokuthula “Thulas” Vilakati has several years of experience in the field and is a true testimony of how a great diet and regular exercise can change your life. So, she will be answering all the questions you’ve had about what to eat, how to create colourful simple easy-to-do meals.

Thulas is one those people who lost over 20kg just by eating the right food and regular exercise so, she’ll take us through her journey while offering tips on how we can have the bodies we’ve always wanted too.
So, watch this space for Thulas’ new column.

Mbally Abdullah popularly known as the “Royal Diva” will be spewing bile all over our pages as she takes us through her hustles in life as she juggles being a young single mother and leading a “Diamond Life”. Royal Diva is willing to share some of her experiences with young girls so they don’t fall into the same trap while displaying that no matter what situation you may be facing right now, you can rise above it all.

However, it won’t be all sweet and girly girly with our Royal Diva – some heads will roll, some hearts will break, some enemies will be made but hey! No harm intended, it’s just the Diva telling it like it is.
That should be enough to get you excited about what’s coming.

My Article in Drum Magazine *Happy Dance*

Oops! Before I forget. Please get yourself a copy of this week’s Drum magazine – the one with Carol Manana on the cover, my story on Zanele Mbokazi’s Mhlambiso ceremony made the cover. Just rush to page 10 *wink*. You can also check it out here.

Eish! gotta run somewhere...I'll be back to beef up this post *askies*
