What's Been On My Mind?

So I haven’t shared my thoughts here in a while and I thought today would be the best day – don’t ask me why.  Any’s, I’ve got good news and bad news so, I’ll start with the good news.  The number of unique readers is increasing by the day and that is because of you so, please continue sharing details of this website with your friends.

Our Facebook Page is now Swazi Style Scene

I know! I know! But believe it or not, it was Swazi Divas of Style and that kinda alienated our brothers so, there you have it. This makes it easier for everyone to connect with us and I constantly post random mind-boggling questions – just to pick your brains so, please make sure that you’re part of the PAGE. We're currently talking about the perception that "Swazi guys are playas" and we want to hear your views. The good thing is that you too can post your own Style, Social or random questions for discussion.

Still on FB: This Just Made Me Laugh

I'm a Kaizer Chiefs fan but this had me in stitches. All hail to whoever designed it.

I Thought This was Just Too Cool
I would so rock these!

My Favourite Things These Days - Need to shake them off!

So, there’s quite a few things that interested me lately with the best being discovering the Limited Edition Ginger-flavoured Mageu No.1…hhay shem my diet just went out the door. 

Looks can be deceiving! tltltl

Then just yesterday, I discovered Olive bread. If you thought Garlic bread was the mother of all breads, you have to try Olive bread – have it with avocado please. Okay, this is just me sharing my bad/weird eating habits that I’ll be shaking off soon – I hope. So, when you do visit South Africa, please don’t leave without the Fournos Bakery Olive bread…just a suggestion. Then have it with avocado to neutralize the salty taste.

Oh! and am totally in love with the new plastic Appletiser bottle...makes sending kids to the fridge so stress free. What was that bottle...bottle about all this time? LOL I love my Appletiser so...biggup for this!

Well, now for the Bad News!

Apparently some people had difficulty with entering the Asante Guest House competition because of one reason or the other. So, now that we’ve made things clear, we hope we’ll see more entries. The closing date for entries is now Tuesday 27 September.

More than anything else, I am sad and angry at what is happening in Swaziland. I couldn’t help thinking of my son when I heard that Manzini was “on fire” on Monday. Then on Tuesday it was Mbabane and Wednesday it was Lawyers. What is the country getting to really and what should happen before people start being taken seriously. How much blood must be shed? How many lives must be lost?
I weep for my country, I weep for little Swaziland. It’s enough!

I Need You More

Nah! I wouldn’t like to end this on such a sad note so, with that said…I’m kinda excited about the fact that young people continue to strive for the best in Swaziland regardless of the situation. Eish! I almost said ‘iregardless’ I’ve never really understood where people get this word from but anyway, yeah! All I can say is, I’m willing to publish any good deeds that Swazis are doing out there so, please do share your stories with me.
Please also send in your photos “Just Nje” sekwabayini? 

Who looked great at the 2011 Emmy Awards?

  • Top L-R: Nina Dobrev, Rachel Taylor, Emily Blunt, Christina Hendricks & Anna Pacquin
  • Bottom L-R: Evan Rachel, Claire Danes, Sofia Vergara, Cobie Smulders & Kerry Washington

So, Red Carpet Fashion Awards selected these 10 stars to run a poll and I thought it would be great to hear your views. Personally, none of them makes me wanna miss a meal but if I was forced to choose one...I know which one it would be. Who was your Best Dressed?

Thanks so much for stopping by...do leave your comments below!
Find us on Facebook "Swazi Style Scene"
On Twitter: @SwaziStyleScene

*Blows Kisses*
