Just Nje: Young People From All Over Africa Come Together For Change

In this week's edition of Just Nje, I'm at the Vaal in South Africa where I've hooked up with young people from all over Africa who are attending a 2-day Think-Tank workshop on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights with the hope of coming up with workable strategies to take back to their respective countries.
The workshop is co-hosted by the Southern African AIDS Trust and the Global Youth Coalition on HIV and AIDS at the prestigious Riverside Lifestyle Resort.

THE ICE BREAKER: During introductions, everyone had to share with the group the one thing that people didn't know about them. This was hilarious!

The workshop was entirely participatory and the young people enjoyed every bit of it 


There's no doubt that the two days were about work and fun, fun, fun and the young people came up with a host of strategies on how they plan to tackle the issue of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in their countries. 

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