Winnie Magagula & Rodgers Mamba are Swaziland's New Cabinet Ministers

POWER TO THE WOMEN: Let me be the first to write..Hon. Winnie Magagula *BIG hug*
It's official! Congratulations are in order for Swaziland's new Cabinet Ministers Winnie Magagula (Information Communication & Techhnology) and Rodgers Mamba (Tinkhundla) who were sworn in this morning at the Cabinet Offices.

I was particularly excited because Winnie happens to be my aunt...well, everyone's aunt because of the way she's just such a nice woman and she is surrounded by four daughters, so you can imagine. What I mean is, their friends and the friends' friends all call her aunty.
ICT Minister Winnie's girls (L-R) Nqobie, Delly, Nomcebo & Zandy pose with Times of Swaziland Senior Political Reporter, Sky Sukati (centre) outside Cabinet Offices during their mother's Swearing In ceremony *teary* 
Well, Rodgers, Rodgers, Rodgers...mhmmmm I'm also happy for him because at some point he used to be my colleague...well he was working at the Radio Station and I was working for one of the national newspapers (I hope he remembers me *side eye*). He was bow deep into Politics as he is the Mkhiweni Inkhundla Member of Parliament.
Hon. Rogers Mamba (centre) with Luke Mission representatives during one of the community missions (eish! does this make sense?) 
Well, congratulations to both of them on filling the hot seats in Hospital Hill, wish them all the best. My advice...just stay calm tltltltl
Then there's other Ministers who have been sent there and there *yawn* you can check The Times of Swaziland for details on that and more here
