Feature: Ligwalagwala Fm's Madumane is Raising The Bar For All Swazis

He is undoubtedly the most popular DJ on Ligwalagwala Fm and has defended the Ligwagwala Fm DJ of the Year title since 2006.

Dumsani Simelane has the people of the Mpumalanga province eating from the palm of his hand as he invades their space on Ligwalagwala Fm each morning with the Mzansi Breakfast Show.

The show also features a community development slot called "Masakhane" where he assists  readers with various issues from housing, obtaining IDs, drivers licences, among others.

With DJ Sbu

With Theo Kgosinkwe
It's evident that Madumane, as he is popularly known, is one of the best things to have happened to that province. As a humble Swazi guy, he says he'd like people to know him as an ordinary person who enjoys ordinary things and one who works & plays hard to achieve his goals in life.

I decided that I needed to hear more from this legend and this how our chat went:

Hey, you're like one of the most popular guys in Mpumalanga, how do you handle your fans? I show them I am also a human being like them first before the humorous Dj who’s fortunate to present a breakfast show on Ligwalagwala FM
Hard at work on a Masakhane construction project
Ngwane wakitsi!
What’s your biggest achievement so far? 
Using my platform to improve the lives of poor people through the Masakhane programme which helps poor communities by building houses, sending deserving poor kids to tertiary institutions, rehabilitation of prisoners, issuing of driver’s licence etc
How can you describe your style? What’s your favourite style item? 
With me, what you see is what you get – I dress differently for different occasions
What three things would you definitely save if your house was on fire?
My family, my ID & my safe which contains valuable documents and the rest can be replaceable.
As a House DJ
With Julius Malema

Is that Kenny Latimore? yep you guessed right!
The CD cover
Do you do anything else apart from radio? 
I am also a House DJ with 2 CDs out “From Spy To Sky Vol 1 & 2” and I also do Taekwondo which is an aggressive form of Karate
 If you weren't on radio, what job would you be doing?
Teaching or I’d probably be a Pastor or a doctor. Helping people comes naturally to me.
What project are you working on right now?
My book titled “From Spy To Sky”
With the Queen of Bling, Khanyi Mbau
With Oliver Mtukudzi

With Afro Cafe's Stoan 
What can we look forward to from you in the near future?
Great things but I’ll keep them secret for now since some people who’re reading this may steal my ideas and use them before I do!

...and he zooms off in style! Injalo Lentfo!
LOL! what an awesome young man who is an inspiration to thousands of young people all over South Africa and neighbouring countries. Check out his website www.madumane.com for more on Madumane.

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