Feature: My BLACK List!...You Just Know You're Black When....

So, just the other day I updated my Facebook status "Why am I working like a BLACK mara" and tjooo, the comments were simply hilarious. Everyone just tried to rub it in that indeed I am Black so, what's the big deal.

Any's, this brought the question of "What really makes me Black?" "Is it the colour of my skin or of my soul?" "Is it the people I hang out with?" "is it the tendencies I have and the things I do?"
Well, I concluded that I'm just Black NGCI and I must deal with it. Hey, don't get me wrong...I have no plans of bleaching my skin like Mshoza..nah nah nah! I'm very comfortable in this one thank you very much. I am also not one of those Whites trapped in Black skin aka Coconuts...I am Black and I am PROUD - cliche hey?

Well, I thought it would be quite fun to come up with a list of things that just make you BLACKER....wrong! MORE BLACK or simply put the stamp of approval on your BLACKNESS! I call this My Black List!

So, You Know You're Black When:

1. You can't be interrupted at 8 - 8.30pm weekdays because it's time for Generations...tltltltl
2. You think of slaughtering something every time you get a spate of bad luck.
3. You know Madluphuthu or whatever it's called.
4. You feel guilty every time you buy your child something expensive because you worry about what your sisters or brothers or even the neighbours will think.
5. You have more than 10 aunts and 20 cousins...Nigger purleeeez!
6. You don't understand Black people who eat and enjoy Sushi...you call them FAKE tltltltl
7.You just can't drive past KFC and/or Chicken Licken...it's just a 'Black' crime. Those CL wings were sent straight to Black butts and hips stru!
8. You still worry about buying your kids Christmas clothes.
9.You can't swim.
10. You insist on knowing your neighbours...just in case something happens hehehehehe! Eish Black people!
11. You have a room divider! why nje?
12. You call nail polish CUTEX and lipstick ROUGE!

I could go on for days but I'll end here...you have one Black crime or Black Pride for each month tltltltl depends on how you look at it. But I still say, I wouldn't trade my skin colour for anything. I just love the fact that it makes it legal for me to call you 'Nigger' and 'Kaffer' without cringing kwaaaa.

What's on your BLACK List?

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Email us your cool article or photos too: swazidivas@yahoo.com

Pic: allthingsblackwomen 


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