Have a Good Laugh With Brian Mohammed's List of What Makes Him Proudly Swazi

I thought this would be a fun piece to share with my Swazi Style Scene family after Brian posted it on Facebook. Just what you need on a Sunday afternoon!

By Brian Mohammed

I am proudly Swazi and don’t doubt it because:

• My brothers always march and chant slogans at hospital hill to show how unhappy they are
• I know what Rooibos Tea is, I call it bush tea 
• I always thought toothpaste is Colgate
• I always believed bread is baked by SUB
• I always thought Johannesburg and Durban are the only major cities in South Africa
• I have still kept my 2010 Fifa World Cup Ticket
• I believe Human Rights would be expensive for government….
• I know someone who knows someone who has met His Majesty King Mswati III
• I know that there’s nothing to do in Somntongo
• I produce a E50 note instead of your driver’s licence when stopped by a traffic officer
• Travelling at 60 km/h around the city and you’re the fastest vehicle to be nabbed by traffic cops
• I can now do all my shopping on the bus rank pavement
• You have to pay whenever you park your car
• You go to a wedding or other great event and watch the soccer on the plasma in the bar and this is totally accepted and understood

• People are more terrified after 5 minutes in a Kombi than appearing on a whole episode of “Supernatural”

 • To get free electricity you have to pay a connection fee of E350 from the landlord
• People have the most wonderful names: Christmas, Goodwill, Pretty, Wednesday, Blessing, Brilliant, Gift, Precious, Innocence and Given, Patience, Portion, Coronation, Ndiphethe, Mgcibelo, Msunduza, Gadaffi
• “just now” can mean anything from a minute to a month
• Near KFC Mbabane you continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make way for kombis travelling in the opposite direction
• You’re genuinely and pleasantly surprised whenever you find your car parked where you left it in Manzini
• A Cargo train is being introduced to ferry iron ore in Ngwenya, but the local Government can’t fix potholes
• Kombi driver hangs 300ml bottle of Coke on the side of the public transport and consider it normal
• Prisoners are locked at 1630 hours
