Pictures: Creative Designers Can Make Fabulous Outfits out of Anything...Yes, Anything!

Have you ever imagined how fashion designs made from condoms, cds, foil, leave, money, wool, among other things would look like. Well, the Ngwane Park Youth Training Centre students didn't disappoint when they were tasked with coming up with Creative Designs. Have a look at this:
An angel in disguise? Can you believe that this whole outfit is made of wire and mealie-meal bags (lisaka lemphuphu)

All trashed: Turning trash to treasure with plastic bags

Taking traditional to another level.

All foxy in a foil and leaf design.  

Would you have thought your old Khonzekhaya could be this handy?

Oh the beauty of condoms

If it's not a grass mat (licansi) design, then why not go for one made of cds

Is that wool and...and money? *faints*
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Which is YOUR favourite creation?
