I Dread The Day My Son Will Have a Facebook Account

So often I ask myself how I will deal with the situation when my son is old enough to be on Facebook. The thing is, Facebookers are getting younger and younger. You know I could live with the 16 age restriction but it looks like these kids can't wait that long and their parents are allowing it - no! I won't judge!

So many questions race through my head when I think of that fateful day; will I have to deactivate my account and allow him to take over? Will I have to send him a friend request and occasionally call him to order? Will I have to demand for his password so I can keep tabs of who he communicates with, how and when?

OMG! I just want to be five again. It seems like the pressures we encounter as parents far out weigh what our parents went through. I mean, all they had to worry about was to ensure that our uniform is in tact after school. Oh! and that we don't play inside our friends houses or bring our friends inside the house. Actually, if for some reason you had to be inside your friends house, you knew you had to leave as soon as they start dishing up dinner - that's it! that's all our parents had to worry about.

How am I supposed to deal with some random girl writing; "hey u sexy thang" on his FB Wall? I swear, I will hunt down that child, call his parents and demand that they discipline her before I do it for them.
Well, the young people think I'm taking it too far.
12 year old Mbali says "It's nothing to get freaked out about. It's just how we talk and it doesn't mean that I want the guy, she'd be just hollaring."

Does this make me old? suddenly? I don't want any girl calling my sex-anything so, I hope all you people with little girls are taking note or I'll discipline them for you! tltltltltl!
Sometimes I can tell that I'm beginning to sound like my granny but this is one bitter pill to swallow. I just want my child to remain a child until he is old enough to take care of himself - that's when he has a degree and his first job *hides face*

So now our kids are on Facebook! I chat to one of my friends daughters till the wee hours of morning sometimes and it makes me realize that perhaps it's not such a bad idea that she's on FB because she otherwise wouldn't afford to be sending all those texts but then again, she's turning 18 so it's better.

Aaargh! I don't know anymore I wish someone would tell me how it feels, how they cope and how they manage these kids' accounts 'cause a woman's got to manage them...hell yeah!

In the meantime, I'll be on Twitter @ElleEnEn...it's less crowded out there!


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