So That Was MY Silly Season!

It's been a really hectic time of the year and now that the silly season is over, it's time for the real stuff. No more KeDezembaBoss but we're back to JanuWorry. I had a pretty quiet festive season with family and I must say I actually realized that I'm getting old - how could I have so much fun with family? just family? There was a time when I thought this was a crime LOL!

Of course I spent some time with my friends but in all honesty, this festive was dedicated to family. Dad was obviously spoiled silly and I had a chance to take my gran out to lunch at the Lugogo Sun Hotel on Christmas Day. She was so excited and without her even uttering a single word, you could see her smiling from ear to ear as I and my nephew, her great grand son, took him through the different parts of the hotel *teary*

New Year's eve started on a slow note and got jumpy when dad's friends joined us and it was a party ya'll. a very intimate gathering of friends and family with no frills. I actually ushered the new year in track pants, my I LOVE New York sweater and Wellington bad can one dress. However, that didn't matter - all that mattered is that I was surrounded by LOVE.

On the 2nd, we all agreed that jumping into the pool was a great idea...and it was. We all changed into swimwear and had an awesome time playing volleyball and other ball games. However, for people that hadn't slept since the 31st, it was not long till one by one we started dozing off and before I knew it, my phone was ringing non-stop - are people back at work? ALREADY? REALLY?  

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