Tribute To Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston during her visit to Swaziland in 1994 clad in traditional Swazi regalia.

Today we woke up to the sad news of Whitney Houston's death at the tender age of 48. One of the greatest singers to have ever graced the earth, each Whitney hit reminds me of a certain era or event back at St. Michael's High School in the 90s.
My fondest memory is when she and hubby Bobby visited Swaziland in 1994. Two of my friends, Kensy   & Twe couldn't resist skipping the tight security at hostel to catch a glimpse of the mega stars. Kensy had always had the hugest crush on Bobby and even occasionally referred to herself as Mrs Bobby Brown - it was a known fact all over the school.

So, it was no surprise when we saw the two wrestling the crowd just outside Bhunu Mall during the 8pm news. The funny thing is, Matron Gama couldn't even recognize them but I suppose she was also a Whitney fan and didn't want to lose sight of her LOL!

I really wish I could've have done something dramatic like this...I mean, I 'd be writing about me now...tltltltl.
Well, we asked our Facbook friends to share their all time favourite Whitney Houston songs and this is what they had to say:
Thanks so much for sharing these with us...oh! it reminded me of the good ol'days! RIP Whitney Houston.

You can also share your favourite Whitney song below. Write to us on, Find us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter @swazistylescene.
