Over 17 000 at This Year's MTN Bushfire Festival

Ayo with the crowd
A celebratory atmosphere fuelled by inspired music and provocative art ensured that the 6th annual MTN Bushfire Festival was the largest and most diverse yet, attracting more than 17,000 people.
Held from 25 to 27 May 2012 on Malandela’s farm in Swaziland’s bucolic Malkerns Valley, the festival successfully fused revelry with social responsibility and consciousness-raising dialogue.
Says Bushfire founder and director Jiggs Thorne: “This year’s MTN Bushfire Festival enjoyed the largest attendance and most positive feedback of any to date.

“Bushfire’s ‘call to action’ mandate means that we are committed to evolving each year towards providing a relevant platform for positive social change through the arts. The overwhelming support of both the public and media affirms our efforts and for that we are grateful.”
While 100% of the festival’s profits go each year to NGO Young Heroes (which works with Aids orphans), ancillary activities generated an additional E880,000 or R880,000 ($180,000) for the charity through a fundraising bike ride and corporate donations by Systems Application Products (SAP).
Revolution on the ones & twos
Thorne said that the economic impact of this annual event was felt by the surrounding community, with every hotel, guesthouse, backpackers and campsite in the area fully booked for the duration of the three-day festival. In addition, he said, MTN Bushfire had employed over 1,000 workers before, during and after the event, thereby breathing much-needed financial life into local communities.
Highlights at this year’s festival included co-headliners Saul Williams – who wowed the crowd with his erudite lyrics and primal energy – and Ayo, who removed the boundary between performer and audience by jumping off stage and performing amid the appreciative crowd.  
Ras Haitrim on stage
Standout acts included South African one-man band Jeremy Loops, Japan’s Sakaki Mango and Limba Train Sound System and the cross-cultural country music collaboration between America’s Doster & Engle and Swaziland’s Dusty & Stone.
South African Music Award-winning superstars Mi Casa brought down the house on Saturday night, while seminal protest theatre piece Woza Albert! drew standing room-only crowds to the House on Fire amphitheatre.
The Barn, a new interactive art and discussion space, enticed large crowds to participate in the free exchange of ideas. The venue hosted celebrated Swazi-born, UK-based actor and festival patron Richard E Grant, who gave his views on the role of the arts in social transformation.
The Handcraft Market emerged as a “don’t miss” place to hang out, with streams of people attracted by the broad selection of crafts by artisans from throughout Southern Africa and the US. 

@djmdue tweeted us this pic which he took from the VIP marquee. *Drooling*
Next year’s MTN Bushfire will be held from 31 May to 2 June 2013. Visit www.bushfire.co.sz for more details.
MTN BUSHFIRE thanks the following partners: MTN, House on Fire, Young Heroes, Alliance Française, SNCAC, African Synergy and the Kingdom of Swaziland.

All pics: Bram Lammers

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