YOUR TURN: How Could You? - A Poem By Senamile Mohammed


A little bit of soap may wash away the blood stains
On the little girl's panties but not the pain.
Yes, the girl you threw across your bedroom just last night
Or are the little girl's panties still under your bed?
The bed on which you invited your mate
So you may take part in her innocence,
The bed on which she pleaded with you to stop.
You know that the soap will never wash away
The trauma you've caused the innocent soul.
Oh no! What have you done?
How could you?

.....It's as clear as day.
As clear as the day you took me without me allowing you to.
And I remember
Urging you to stop,
God knows
I fought you with every iota of vigour I had.
And I remember;
begging, pleading and telling you how much it hurt
"Daddy you're hurting me!"
What kind of a father,
Would repeatedly force himself onto his very own daughter?
How could you? No, seriously, how could you?

Too confused to understand this 'little secret' of ours,
It surely wasn't my typical pinkie swears.
You said you would kill me had I told a soul....
....But you know what?
You killed me the day you forced my legs apart.

Of all things,
The only thing you thought was worth sharing with me
Is an incurable lifelong disease.
You infected me with H.I.V!
Shame on you!
How could you?

Now venom floods my body,
Fumes of Rage escape my skull.
Tides of Muderous anger have risen within.
You have tested my wrath and I promise you will pay.
How could you?

Now that I've risen above this,
And did not allow you to define my destiny.
There's one thing I'd want to know......
....How could you?

By: Senamile Mohammed.
I was born on 11 August 1993 in Mbabane, completed High school at Metropolitan College and an aspiring Pharmacy student at the Swaziland Christian University. With all the ruthless exploitation of women and children in Swaziland, the hurt in the minors' hearts for the imagined wonderful life they haven't had, women whose sense of worth has been ravaged, assulted and brutally ridiculed I turned to poetry to express my emotions, to dig my heels in and say "LEAVE OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN ALONE".
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