PICTURES: The Rural to Ramp Showcase - A Cut Above The Rest!

If you ever doubted that Swazis have talent, then the following pictures are about to knock you off your seat. The Rural to Ramp Showcasethis past weekend continued to outdo itself as designers like Gone Rural, Tintsaba, Baobab Batik and others proved that art and design have no limits.

Take a look at this year's drop dead gorgeous collection, courtesy of Mustard Seed Africa (Like the Page on Facebook):
A play of colour by Gone Rural...How can you resist these dolled up African queens?

Tintsaba keeps it natural in this decor collection dorned as head pieces

Tintsaba Crafts accesories are to die for

Ethnic flair by Zimbabwean designer, Zuvva

I want this Quazi design jacket...amazing!
Baobab Batik remain the masters of hand painting

Golden Hands & Lilian Jane designs take us back to the future

Imvelo eSwatini beading & accesories have a way of lifting any outfit

Gone Rural weaves a nation with their out-of-this-world designs

A work of art by Jerampaul

Don't turn your back on Swaziland, we're ready to conqur the world. Face Models sporting Quazi designs!
Find the featured designers on Facebook for orders and for more detail on their products.

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