YOUR TURN: Our Bholoja Wows Cape Town World Music Festival 2012

Bongane and I with the man of the moment, yay!
The Cape Town World Music Festival 2012 was mad fun, I should say. It ran from the 9-10th of November, with artists performing on different stages.
To name a few of the acts that performed: Oliver Mtukudzi, Freshly Ground, Abavuki, and Dirty Bounce.

that's The Main Stage where Bholoja performed
Our hero, Bholoja was on the Main Stage, yeaaah, which he hopped onto a few min just after 5pm and gave an electrifying hour-long performance that ended at exactly 6pm (who said Swazis don't keep time?). He was amazing on stage, him and the rest of his band. You couldn't even tell he was singing live. My God!
Bholoja in action

And the crowd was utterly charmed by him. Some of those white people knew his songs better than I did! The shame! :( LOL. He really made Swaziland proud, as some of the fans came over after his performance and post- interviews and greeted him with a bow. A bow! Legend this man!
The fun-lovers dancing
My friend and I were sadly the only Swazis there who came to support him. Either that or the others just chose not to come out and say hi to the man of the moment. But we all had a good time nonetheless, as we hung together after his performance and watched the rest of the acts till closing time at 10pm.
A combination of pics of me on the day, just nje,lol
 It was worth all my staying up the entire night on Friday studying just so I could free up time on Saturday to go support him. Mind you, I've been in CT for 3 years and I had NEVER been to a music concert here. It took a Swazi artist to get me to go to one. How sweet. :)

By Celiwe Nsibande


Celiwe is doing a B.Sc in Human Physiology and Biochemistry at the University of Cape Town. She has been a regular contributor and active follower of Swazi Style Scene. Just for that, she WINS an Organic Root Stimulator hamper with love from us!
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