PICTURES: Miller Swaziland's Swanky Do!

Looking uber sexy...Newly weds, Tiyas and his wife Beke

Tiyas doing his thang!
BoNkhosi! Mandisa, Bhekiwe and Mgubo share a light moment

Sisters Bhekiwe & Mandy looking chic
The radiant Leendor deserved that award! *wink*
Amantombazana ayeye!
Zandi enjoying her drink

Swaziland Beverages staff

Happy looks...happy

Miller hostesses for the night!

The ever stunning Nombuso

Mhmmm...loving the eyes!

Loyal to the brand...Swaziland Beverages Phindile Lukhele protecting her Miller! *LOL*

Zinhle, Sanele & Fikile embraced summer in these brights

Majaha made sure the lady is safe *naaice*

Khabo, Khanyi & Tema...Doin the Black thang right ladies!
Swaziland Beverage's Meshack with The Times of Swaziland's Zitsile

Mangaliso Masilela
What's a gig without the Gorgeous Face Models?

DJ Mbo on the ones & twos

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