WOMEN ARE DYING TO GIVE LIFE: Just Think for A Moment!

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Africa Region recently engaged in an intense workshop on how young people can use Social Media platforms to reduce the number of women that die while giving birth. With sharp young people from all over Africa, deliberations on The Campaign on the Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA) and how young people can be interested in such discussions.

The young representatives from all over Africa pose with some of the facilitators (Pic: Aristophane Ngargoune)

In Swaziland, Inkhosikati laMbikiza is the patron for this Campaign and she alongside the first lady of Zambia launched CARMMS in 2009.


The first thing that came to mind was the fact that "No Woman Should Die While Giving Life (Birth)" which is the CARMMA Campaign tagline and also the fact that after HIV/AIDS, this was one issue that affected everyone. It could be your sister, your mother, your daiughter, your aunt, your cousin, your colleague, your boss or even your neighbour that dies while giving birth and the uestion will be, what did you do to try and stop it?

There are a number of issues that lead to Maternal Mortality which include; delay in decision making, delay in getting to a health centre, as well as delay in receiving care at the health centre. So many issues are attributed to these delays which include; traditions, transport, money, the ratio of expectant women to health providers in health centres as well as attitudes.

I posted this on Facebook and the response was remarkable!

When a woman dies while giving life (birth), so many people are affected! She could be a mother, a girlfriend, a sister, a wife, a cousin, a daughter, a neighbour, an employee, a boss, a colleague! How can we stop this?

Hlobisile Ndlovu We need to prevent early births by keeping the gal child in school till mature enough to give birth. Statistics show that children out of school fall pregnant whiist still immature to successfully deliver a healthy baby. No amount of professionals can accelerate maturing to give a healthy baby. free education for the gal child

Lindy Mndebele Preventable maternal mortality...access to basic primary health care, skilled birth attendance and access to emergency obstetric care. This also prevents child mortality....in this day and age there should be no stillborns!

Dee Pee Shongwe She should attend regular checkups at her clinics, whenever eva buhlungwana langabutfoli kahle aphutfumele esibhdlela angabutsatseli phansi.


Think about how you can raise awareness on Maternal Mortality - would you rteport a rude service provider? Would you update your Facebook status and Tweet about CARMMA? Would you share a video on CARMMA? Would you share this article on your Facebook profile?

It's time for all young people to make that change starting with YOU! Follow #Youth4CARMMA on Twitter
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