INVITATION: Swazi Youth Invited to Join Youth4CARMMA

Swaziland is one of the countries that have been selected to take part in the Campaign aimed at encouraging young people in Africa to challenge Maternal Mortality head on.

Being part of the Campaign on the Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA) is one way in which young people can make their voices heard. The Swaziland version of the Campaign was launched in 2009 by Inkhosikati LaMbikiza and this year, young people are being roped in at regional level.

The campaign is being implemented online through social media and via So join the rest of Africa on Facebook: Youth4CARMMA, Twitter: @y4carmma, Google +: @y4carmma.

Not so long ago, Swaziland lost a young poet while she was giving birth in Mbabane amongst other women who die giving life each week. Y4Carmma wants to see a stop in this and invites you to join in the fight.

Y4Carmma wants to know if women are treated fairly in health centres, if young people are getting access to quality health services, if young people have strategies to improve the current health situation in the country, if young people have stories to tell about good or bad experiences with expectant women in Swaziland, let us share it all.


If you want to share a story, a poem, art or any material on maternal mortality to be published on the y4carmma website, you can email us on

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