Study Finds Donkey Meat in SA Burgers

One man's transport is another man's meat! Pic:
I'm still in shock and close to throwing up after reading the article about Donkey Meat found in South African burgers. Well, I'm not really a burger person but there's lots of people I love who LOVE their burger and in that Camaraderie spirit, I too shall weep. Almost all the processed meat we eat in Swaziland comes from South Africa and that makes me weep even more.

Okay, honestly though, I do eat burgers - actually, used to eat burgers until yesterday when the sad news broke. This is perhaps the most gross thing I've read in a while and I just have this steady urge to throw up. I know I've said this so many times but this time it's for real - I'm going Vegetarian. This meat business is not good for my health - now we'll find ourselves eating donkey meat - hhayi ngeke!

Maybe I'll start with being lacto vegetarian until someone decides to research on the cheeses and milks of this world - we're so not safe!

"Over two thirds of meat products tested contained undeclared ingredients, according to a recent research study, prompted by revelations about food production in Europe. 'Our study confirms that the mislabelling of processed meats is commonplace in South Africa and not only violates food labelling regulations, but also poses economic, religious, ethical and health impacts,' said animal sciences professor Louw Hoffman."

This is unfair yati! *wipes tear*

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