UNISWA GRADUATION: Zanele Nhlengethwa's stunning pictures

 She's not only beautiful but she's smart too. The gorgeous Zanele Nhlengethwa was one of the BComm Marketing graduates at the recent UNISWA Graduation and we're so excited to share some of her pictures with you.

That's how she strut her stuff at the prestigious event in Kwaluseni.
 Once the serious business was done, our leading lady led her family and friends to the amazing Summerfield Botanical Gardens & Resort for a much needed late celebratory lunch.

Mumu, Vuyiswa, Nqobile, Zanele and Todvwa looking stylish at Summerfield.

A closer look at Zanele's yummy dress.

Vuyiswa chose this gorgeous carefree leopard print kaftan.

It's a yum yum yellow kinda thang!

There's no doubt that this was a fabulous do and we wish Zanele all the best in her future endeavours.

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