PICTURES: Princess Tiyandza turns 21

 His Majesty the King Mswati III and Her Royal Highness Inkhosikati LaNgangaza's daughter Princess Tiyandza turned 21 recently and the celebration, held at the Lozitha Palace, was well befitting for royalty.

His Majesty the King Mswati III with Princess Tiyandza
Their Majesties presented the princess with gifts.

Inkhosikati LaNgangaza with her little cute is she! Ncooo
The MC for the night...Owner and Executive Strategist at Digistrat Zakithi Motsa-Siliya

Zakithi takes some time off from the podium to chill with her hubby George.

Man of the moment, Khaya gave an explosive performance as usual

The gorgeous Zonke 
All pics by Digistrat. Click HERE for more!

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