Choral comes Alive at the UNISWA Sports Emporium

Hello good people, this is your boy Mthoba bringing you the latest of the latest exciting scenes courtesy of the Motherland, Swaziland.

Sunday the 30th of March, yours truly invaded the choral scene, yes you guessed it, your boy was at the annual Standard Bank Choral Music Competitions.

Style was the order of the day and during this week, Swazi Style Scene will be bringing you pictures of the stylish of the stylish on that day so u just stay tuned and watch this space.

Oh hey, congrats to the winners of the day. In the Standard section, Royal Swazi Sun beat five choirs and took the first position whilst in the large section and for the first time since I've been in the choral scene, His Majesty's Correctional Services Choir took the 1st place.

Big ups you guys, you deserved it. Our hopes are with you as you go represent the motherland in the upcoming Melting Pot Competition that will take place in Ermelo on the 1st of June.

Otherwise good people, like I said, keep on watching this place and join me as I invade all the local scenes.


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