It's Mr Swaziland's Birthday Today!

Fashion & the Aries Man

Passion and excitement are reflected in the color red, so it's an obvious choice to represent the Aries man. You'll not see him wear a suit of red (except at Christmas, maybe), but don't be surprised to have him sporting a bright crimson shirt as part of his casual attire.

Never shying away from trendy styles, this man enjoys being the first with new fashions and will be considered a trendsetter by his friends.


Relationships & the Aries Man

The Aries man is excited by new places and new friends. He enjoys meeting people, engaging in quick-witted dialogue, and offering up the occasional tall tale.

As excellent a conversationalist as the Aries man can be, he may be found lacking in discretion and tact. Don't ask this man a question if you're not ready for an honest answer because he tells it like it is, without regard for its consequence. This trait has strangers finding him somewhat aggressive and maybe even a little bossy.

When it comes to advice, the Aries man is quick to give, but not so eager to receive. Aries men love to be "in the know", and the first to know as well!


Romance & the Aries Man

You'll not find a partner as passionate as the Aries man. Nor will you find one quite so adventurous and ready to test uncharted waters. A word of caution to prospective partners: the Aries man needs someone to match his romantic enthusiasm and will become bored if he's not kept on his toes.

The man has a unique capacity to handle grief more quickly than others and this ability to move on from a failed relationship can make him seem aloof or even callous to some.

The Aries man enjoys the chase, so don't make it too easy for him. source:

Wishing you all the best in all your dreams Mr. S. To read more on Mr Swaziland, CLICK HERE

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