Over 20 cars collide with truck and burn in Malagwane tragedy

In what has been dubbed a national disaster, an undisclosed number of people lost their lives and many more are fighting for their lives following a tragic accident that occurred along the notorious Malagwane hill.

According to the Swazi Observer, "the truck, which was ferrying coal from South Africa, ignited all the cars on its path as it ploughed into them at Mnyamatsini area at the foot of Malagwane. By the time police officers and fire personnel got to the scene, it was already chaos as there were bodies lying on the road, cars on fire, trapped people screaming for help and explosion after explosion as the cars crumbled under the ball of flames as a result".

The story spread like wild fire on social media as Swazis from far and wide poured their hearts out. More than anything, the country's small population means that 'everybody knows everybody' and it is not unheard of for everyone to worry about how many people they know were involved.

What this accident has provoked are many questions from concerned Swazis who are worried that this might just go down as yet another accident, followed by a national prayer as opposed to trying to deal with the root cause.

We will continue to share news of what's happening in Swaziland and we ask that everyone keep the families in their prayers. Just like Swazi Observer Managing Editor, Mbongeni Mbingo rightfully put it, "And #swaziland being a small country, this is a national disaster. We are all related. I shudder at the thought of discovering the names".  For more on this story, visit The Swazi Observer online.
