A tribute to Mbali Abdullah

The late Mbali Abdullah
When I heard of the passing of Mbali Abdullah last week, I was taken aback. "Not MY Mbali" I said in utter shock. You know we always say death is inevitable blah blah, we'll all die one day blah blah, but it's when death strikes those we love that we begin to question its wrath.

A lot has been said about Mbali before and after her passing - most of it negative of course because she was 'gangster' like that. But that was Mbali,  Royal Diva - Duchess of Bling. Always ready to jump into 6 inch Loubs and head to the VIP section of A-list parties as well as wrap her sarong around her waist and handle household chores at her home in Msunduza Township. She was versatile like that. Never ever forgot her roots and always joked about being a 'gangster diva'.

What's important is that she touched many lives with her generosity, honesty and zest for life. As one who's known her since she was at St. Michael's Primary, I must say that she just always stood out. There was something about her that made one pay attention to her - not just her beauty but perhaps her visible feistiness and no-holds-barred nature.

I could have written this tribute earlier but I wanted to respect her family and allow her to be laid to rest. Her send-off in Mbabane was befitting of the diva she was and her peers made sure to look the part - just the way Mbali would have wanted. One friend simply said "Everything was just perfect" when asked about the funeral.
Courtesy pic of some of the ladies who saw Mbali off in Mbabane.
Mbali was one of our contributors here on Swazi Style Scene and she ruffled a few feathers with her tongue-in-cheek style of writing. Her column Blow By Blow With the Diva was one of the most exciting weekly reads because she really spoke from the heart.

I couldn't hold back the tears as I finally gathered the courage to go through her features this morning. The woman was a talented writer. I've just selected a few of the features she wrote for us;
Take some time and read Mbali's articles and you will know just the kind of person she was. May your soul rest in eternal peace Royal Diva, Thee Duchess of Bling. You'll always have a special place in our hearts.

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