PICTURES: Lend A Hand SD feeds the needy in Manzini

A Lend A Hand member hands out oranges to the little ones
 When young people can sacrifice a holiday to feed needy children, you know that the country is headed in the right direction. SD Lend A Hand, a youth charity group did just that in commemoration of the late King Sobhuza II.

About SD Lend A Hand

Lend A Hand is a charity group that has developed from the Swaziland Network of Facebook. Upon the realizing the huge of potential of reaching out to the less fortunate and needy people in this country, Swaziland Facebook Friends decided to form a charity group in May 2009, that has been able to reach out to a number of disadvantaged people.  

Despite starting as an informal group, Lend A Hand has successfully mobilized support from willing individuals on Facebook to donate their time, money, clothing and food for the benefit of needy people throughout Swaziland.

During yesterday's holiday, the young people found it befitting to spend their time at the Zakhele Skom Care Point where over 80 children were served a balanced meal. The crew brought us the following pictures:

They deserve our love and care

Lend A Hand ladies doing the final touches

Lunch is served

Since it's inception, the group has built three houses for destitute families and most recently donated 63 pairs of shoes to a rural primary school in Swaziland.

If you're interested in being part of this amazing group, you can reach them on their Facebook page "Lend A Hand" or @LendAHandSD on Twitter. Be part of a winning team and do your bit for the needy citizens of your country.

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