What selfie? Welcome Groundies and Climbies!

So if you are still trying to master how to take the best selfie, you could just be late. Out with the selfie, in with groundies and most recently climbies. Someone please tell me what possessed the beautiful Dillish to take a groundie though? Actually, just this whole picture - the live chicken, the alcohol on the ground, the car, the the the...
I swear here and now that if anyone of my friends posts a groundie or a climbie - our friendship is over. Stru! What's wrong with us really? these groundies will be the death of me, I'm not even going to talk about climbies - they are just too hilarious.

We scoured through the social networks for some really funny groundies and climbies, and this is what we found:

Even Khanyi Mbau has embraced the trend and revealed her groundie on her official Instagram account. 
Then she roped in Sdumo Mtshali hehehehe
Then came the climbies...ngiyakutjela wena!

The least said about the #Soapie, the better. Hhayi ngeke silunge la!

We have a long way to go as A People...a long way! I dare you to take a groundie or a climbie and tag us please hahahaha!  

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