IN THE NEWS: What's this about cops removing the red carpet now?

A favourite, the gorgeous Lupita Red Carpet look (Source: Internet).
So if you've been following the news in Swaziland closely you'll know that the use of red carpets and white ones at events has been banned. Yep, cops are on the lookout for anyone that breaks this 'law' and are rolling the carpets up.

According to The Times of Swaziland's online edition, cops removed a white carpet at this year's Business Woman of the Year Awards, which wasn't the first time for the organisers to be slapped in that fashion.

However, if the newspaper report is anything to go by then it looks like REDI director Sikhomba Gumbi gets the drift as he says his company stopped using the red carpet as he had learnt that it's  associated with royalty in the country but then when he rolled out the white carpet at the BWOY event, it too was removed.

In a separate event, this happened; "The organisers of the event, however, refused to formally comment on  the issue as they believed that it was a sensitive one".

It is indeed a sensitive issue because nothing makes one feel sexier than walking that red carpet daaang! Have you ever dressed up and rocked up at a red carpet event, feeling yourself, cameras all round and all? You'll have to take a trip outside the country to experience that - unfortunately.

This sensitive issue happened at the Swaziland Inter Municipal Games Association (SIGA) gala dinner held at the Royal Villas.

Obviously people had a lot to say about this on Twitter:

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Kwaze kwanzima! Kwasho boMjozana

Read more on these stories here: Times of Swaziland

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