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'Swazi' lady making waves in New York City

So I stumbled upon this on my Facebook, thanks to a New York based friend and if I'm not mistaken, 
I went to primary school with Phumelele, which is quite exciting even though she was my senior. 
Anyway, we decided to share this article from here and thought why not share it as is rather than mess it 

So it's one thing for someone to conquer African runways but New York City is the ultimate so this is 
really great news for not only the country but the continent.

About Phumelele

Phumelele Kunene, or Phumie for short, was born in South Africa and grew up in Swaziland. 
She is continually inspired by the vibrancy of her roots, and this inspiration is reflected in her 
clothing designs. Beginning at her mother’s sewing machine at a very young age, Phumie has since 
moved to New York and set up her clothing line “BlackPhumelele”, continuing to draw upon her 
heritage with a unique and distinctive style.
Phumie’s work will be featured on the runway Friday, November 13th at Shared Interest’s Southern 
African Fashion & Craft Showcase in NYC. Join us in celebrating the creativity of entrepreneurs as we 
strive to improve and empower communities in Southern Africa.. CLICK THE LINK BELOW 
FOR TICKETS AND MORE INFO! Southern Africa Fashion & Craft Showcase | Facebook 
Southern Africa Fashion & Craft Showcase |

We'll hopefully get in touch with Phumie for a young Q&A soon. Watch this space!

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