YOUR TURN: You know my name, not my story!

I believe I have seen and been through just enough to make me a better, wiser and stronger woman. 

Not that I wish for more challenging and traumatic experiences in my life but should I be in the same situations and experiences again I know I would handle them and react differently, which makes me appreciate the lessons they have given me, lessons which no school or classroom could have prepared me for. It is on that note that suddenly through my writing you think you have an idea of who I am, stuff I went through or who I am. Well, just to burst your bubble, you only know my name and not my story!


Well you only heard about what I have done maybe from your gossip mates, friend’s people in your social circles but you really don’t know that I was a very troublesome teenager. I was very naughty and would often channel my energy to all the things that would put me in trouble with my grandmother. Well I did save some energy for my school work though. I was a smart kid by the way.

Talk about peer pressure, I have been through that too, and mostly I was the pressurizing peer. I was very adventurous, believe me you I wanted to explore almost everything under the sun. My mind was just to curious, and guess what I ended up older friends than my young self, and yes that meant behaving my age didn’t seem really cool anymore, I had to step up and fit in with my older peeps. Now this meant older habits too and yes I quickly grew up!


You might see what I have become and think it came easy. I have fought so many battles with myself and with so many people too. But I am so happy I won one that matters to me, a battle with myself. It is really hard winning when you have fallen through hard times and suffered the biggest loss of your life. 

You might see how I walk tall, smile and forge new relationships and think, she has it all together. Truth is you never get over the loss of a loved one, you just choose to either get stuck in the pain or let it rule your life or accept it and move on. You know my name right, you don’t know that I sometimes wish heaven had a telephone. Yes I would sometimes call on my loved one just to tell on how mean and judgemental you are to me.


Do you know why you judge me or still don’t know me, it’s simple. It’s because you don’t go home with me every day. You don’t see me when I cry myself to sleep. You are never there each time I close the door in my house to face my troubles, my bills and the needs of my children. 

You don’t know how much headaches I get due to stress of knowing I have no one to share with what a rough day I had or suddenly the television doesn’t work.  Do you know how many times I roll over to the other empty side of the bed each night or sometimes cringe in fear due to the strange sounds outside at night, see I told you, you just don’t know me?  Do you know how much pressure has been put on me to be perfect that sometimes I fear stepping outside? I know you don’t!


Do you know how it feels to be rejected and labelled? In fact you don’t know because you did one day, was it not rejection when you pretended not to see me when you saw the colour of the clothes I wore, yes they were all black once upon a time.  Do you know how much your smile and pleasantries would have meant to me yet you chose to turn the other way.  Do you that I know all the names and labels I have been called over time? That’s why you call me weird and crazy, yet I am being me.


Do you know that I have lost very special people in my life in the hands of their partners, do you know how I react each day I read stories of gender-based violence, I actually lose my mind all the time I hear such stories. Do you the trauma I go through each time I listen to a person relating the abuse experiences,  in actual fact part of me dies because I have been through that too, not even once. 

You clearly don’t know how it feels to be tired of being tired of violence against women. In all forms I mean, that is why I am sure you just don’t know me at all but my name. Do you know how many scars and wounds I have nursed? Are you aware that the smile you see on my face had hid tears and that the very same set of eyes can tell a thousand tales.


Just so you know everyone is fighting their own battles therefore have that in mind before you jump to judge, label or criticize. It might have been through your attitude and judgemental nature that we totally lost a sister, friend and future leader to gender-based violence. It’s your words that might have led her into feeling she deserved it, she was not strong enough to walk away or she asked for it. It must your unkind words that made our sister feel so much guilt, shame and humiliation that she stayed on within the abusive relationship, yet all you know is her name and not her story.


Do you want to know me now, I bet you do. Well education saved me from all the terrible experiences I have shared with you. At the end of the day, I would find comfort in knowing I have something to pave way for me should everything else fall apart. It is for this reason I believe that every girl child should have access to education and all educational spaces should be violence free. The value is so huge it surpasses all that I have come across in this world, believe me without education I would not overcome most of life challenges.

Your Role

As we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, take time to self-introspect how you have influenced and further perpetrated gender-based violence, have you been a positive influence to those that have been through violence, have you given hope to the hopeless, have you been a voice for the voiceless or have you just been the reason victims of gender based violence still lack power to face the world or speak out.

I have made the choice to be a voice of the  voiceless, so each time you judge or speak about me, make sure you know my story and not only just my Name!

Nontobeko Mbuyane aka Nonto Bee is Swaziland's UNICEF U-Report National Coordinator. She writes for Swazi Style Scene on her personal capacity. None of the views expressed here are that of UNICEF, UNICEF partners or stakeholders. Her opinion pieces have been published in The Swazi News.

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